
Offering a blend of both Tanzania’s wildlife and its cultural heritage, our Wildlife and Culture Safari packs world-class safari game drives alongside the opportunity to interact with two distinct cultural groups.

Your 14-day Tanzania Wildlife and Cultural Safari includes an extensive tour of the Serengeti National Park and its many beautiful animals, a day-long game drive through the verdant Ngorongoro Crater, and a visit to either the diverse landscapes of the Serengeti National Park or the opportunity to see the flamingoes and tree-climbing lions of Lake Manyara National Park.

We believe the cultural diversity of Tanzania is one of its greatest strengths. By meeting and understanding people whose views and values are very different from your own, you acquire new insights and perspectives that change your attitudes towards them, towards yourself and towards the entire world. This new depth of perception and wisdom opens new horizons, opportunities and flexibility in your future life choices. You may travel to Africa to learn more about her wildlife, but through her people, you will learn more about yourself. This may well be a most valuable and lasting aspect of your safari with the tribal people of Tanzania.

13 Nights 14 Days Available on request

Day 1: Boat Safari at Nyerere National Park

Your safari starts with a game drive at Nyerere National Par, with the main highlight being a boat ride safari. You will be picked up from your hotel in Dar-es-salaam, early in the morning and head to Nyerere National Park, formerly Selous.

The Nyerere National Park (part of Selous Game Reserve) is a picturesque, unique and pristine safari destination and belongs to the UNESCO World Heritage Site as the oldest and largest protected nature reserve in Tanzania. The number of animals in Nyerere National Park is unprecedentedly high, making the park ideal for an adventurous safari!

In Nyerere National Park, you can make beautiful boat safaris on the many canals and lakes in the reserve. During such a boat safari, there’s a good chance you see hippos, crocodiles and possibly other animals that come to drink. In addition, you can see many birds (around 40 different species).
A boat safari takes about two hours and can be done in the morning or in the afternoon. In the morning you have beautiful light (unless it is cloudy), but in the afternoon there is a greater chance of seeing crocodiles because temperatures are higher. 

Day 2: Wildlife Experience at Nyerere

On this day you will do a half-day game drive at Nyerere National Park. The sheer size and scale of Selous can be difficult to imagine, but its breathtakingly wild and beautiful landscape will mesmerise even the most seasoned safari goer. The great Rufiji River is the reserve's lifeblood and teems with birds, elephants and Jurassic-sized crocodiles.

Later in the afternoon, we will drive to Arusha for dinner & overnight.

Day 3: Sanje Hiking Experience

After early morning breakfast, drive to Oduzungwa Mountain National Park for hiking, and marvel at the sight of Sanje Waterfall.
Sanje waterfall in Udzungwa Mountains National Park has one of the highest waterfalls in Tanzania, at 270 meters high. This waterfall has a unique and distinct characteristic that gives a wonderful experience to visitors.
Sanje waterfall is divided into three stages 170m the first, 30m and 70m. The waterfall is renowned all over the world as it offers a beautiful and pleasant environment for visitors to refresh after a long hike. The falling water from the mountains accumulates in small naturally formed pools in which visitors can enjoy pleasant moments by swimming, breezing and playing. Sanje waterfall has a hidden feature that adds its peculiarity or distinctiveness to the world. One of the waterfall stages the longest one (170m) displays the map of Africa showing clear demarcation of boundaries as it used to appear on a piece of paper

Day 4: En-route Game Drive at Mikumi as you head to the airport

This day you will experience the Mikumi game drive in the park in search of elephants, giraffes, lions, hippos in the hippo’s pools, warthogs, buffaloes, elands etc. Later head back to the airport for a flight to Arusha, dinner & overnight POINT ZONE RESORT

Day 5: Ewang'ani Maasai Village

Depart from the Hotel early morning, and drive to Ewang’ani Maasai Cultural Village to Experience the Maasai Culture.
Ewang'ani, located just 40 km from Moshi and 55 km from Arusha, provides a unique Maasai & wildlife experience in the West-Kilimanjaro Maasai land. This Online Experience aims to share with you the authentic Maasai life and culture in a traditionally built village (Boma). 
You must have seen pictures of them adorned with the brilliant red, blue and purple patterns of the shukas they wear: the men with their spears, tall and proud; the women bejewelled with bright beaded earrings and scarves. The Maasai people are some of the oldest inhabitants of East Africa and live in small mud-thatched villages surrounded by their cattle and smaller livestock. For hundreds of years, they have roamed the lands of Kenya and Tanzania, living a free, nomadic lifestyle. This unique tour will allow you to virtually meet and interact with the tribe and experience their culture and lifestyle. 
The first thing you will notice as you enter the village is the vivid colours of the Maasai’s garments. The bright shukas or sheets they wear contrast strongly with the greens and browns of the landscape. Adding to this display of colour is the brightly beaded jewellery – necklaces, bracelets and amulets that the women and men wear. During the tour, you will learn about the cultural significance of these handcrafted pieces, which are also used by the women who create them to express their identity and social status.
Virtually join in on the villagers as they engage in their well-known rhythmic call-and-response singing. Perhaps their most widely known dance is the "Adumu" or “jumping dance”, where the warriors form a circle with one person at the centre. This dancer will jump higher and higher to the rhythms of the singers. As he jumps higher, the singers will raise the pitch of their voices. You will get a chance to witness all this and then some.
Standing in muted contrast to the colourful villagers, you will see the brown and grey tones of the Maasai’s houses, called "Bomas". These are essentially small structures with thatched roofs, and it is the job of the Maasai women to build these sturdy dwellings. The entire family cooks eats, sleeps and socialises in this modest structure – even sharing space with small livestock. You will get a sneak peek inside their houses to experience a different kind of lifestyle. Dinner & Overnight

Day 6: Marangu Ndoro Waterfall

This day you will depart after breakfast, and drive to Marangu Kilimanjaro to Experience the Waterfall and the Village 
At the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Ndoro Waterfall is one of the most popular and largest waterfalls in the area. A one-hour hike, descending through the stunning green landscapes of Chagga (the largest tribe in Tanzania) land will bring you to this huge waterfall, here you will have the opportunity to you can stand underneath the waterfall, even jump off one and go swimming in the refreshing water and have a well-deserved break for lunch in the beautiful valley.
The word “Marangu” means a place with too many water streams. This is one of the most popular places in Tanzania.

Transportation will be provided by bus or car from Arusha to the Marangu waterfalls.
This is a beautiful, and relatively simple walk through the tropical rainforest that grows on the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
You can see different types of monkeys (black and white colobus monkeys), tropical birds and other animals. The duration of the trip is approximately seven hours

Day 7: Maasai experience at Ngabo Ngarenanyki

Depart after breakfast, drive to Ngabobo Ngarenanyuki to Experience the Maasai, and later drive back to POINT ZONE RESORT for dinner & overnight

Day 8: Manyara Treetop Experience

Depart after breakfast and drive to Lake Manyara Treetop Walkway.

Lake Manyara National Park is a unique area, with lots to see and lots to do. From safaris on foot, by bike, by jeep and canoe, to walks through the village and treetops.

The 500-meter walk starts at the entrance to the National Park. You reach a height of 18 meters above the ground via suspension bridges. There is a great chance you see animals walking beneath you during the walk and different birds looking you straight in the eye.
Each suspension bridge ends on a fall-back platform from where you have a wonderful view of the Lake Manyara National Park. with a game drive, and later drive to OMEGA LODGE for dinner & Overnight

Day 9: To Lake Eyasi to experience the Bushmen (Hadzabe & Datoga)

After early breakfast or warm-up we will start our trail to meet bushmen (Hadzbe) people who still practice a primitive model of life (gathering and hunting) we will go hunting with these people. If we may be lucky we may catch one.

Lake Eyasi is a soda lake surrounded by volcanic mountains. The Hadzabe, bushmen who still hunt for food, live around Lake Eyasi. Meet the heirs of the very first people, who still have a symbiotic relationship with their environment. The purest example of an anarchist society with no rules.

After the hunt and songs of welcome and dance, we may decide to pass by one of the Datoga family who is a Blacksmith and later drive back to the hotel for a Hot lunch and check out. Later in the afternoon, we will drive back to Arusha for dinner & Overnight at LAKE EYASI CAMPSITE (Subject to availability)
The Hadza/Hadzabe
Lake Eyasi is a seasonal shallow endorheic Salt Lake on the floor of the Great Rift Valley at the base of the Serengeti Plateau, just south of the Serengeti National Park and immediately southwest of the Ngorongoro Crater in the Crater Highlands of Tanzania. The lake is elongated, orientated southwest to northeast, and lies in the Eyasi-Wembere branch of the Great Rift Valley.
The Hadzabe Bushmen live in this region, as do the Datoga and Mbulu tribes.
A visit with the Bushmen is worthwhile and they will graciously show you where and how they live and hunt. They subsist entirely off the bush and by bow hunting. Everything they use is made from local materials, including their bows which are strung with giraffe tendon and their arrows which are coated in lethal poison. Their language resembles that of the Kalahari Bushmen tribe (who were featured in the 1980 film ‘The Gods Must Be Crazy’) with
Clicking noises are used.

Day 10: Eyasi Experience

This day you will spend the day at Lake Eyasi with Datoga & Hadzabe, and later drive to NGORONGORO SIMBA A campsite/ Hotels outside Ngorongoro(Karatu) (No hotels at Kimba) for dinner & overnight

Day 11: Walking at Ngorongoro

Descend into this perfect deep volcanic crater and experience the animals up close. Because of the enormous concentration of animals, you are most likely to see the Big Five!

This world-famous crater is one of the most important attractions in Africa and the area has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1979. The crater ground consists of grass, swamp, forest and the salty Makat Lake. Attracting wildlife to come drinking, wallowing, grazing, hiding or climbing.

The area around the Ngorongoro crater is the perfect area for a hike.

Dinner & Overnight SIMBA A CAMPSITE

Day 12: Crater tour then Serengeti

Breakfast from the lodge, then we drive to Ngorongoro Crater for a crater tour. This day we will start early morning at 08:00 for the game drive (with a picnic lunch) inside the Ngorongoro Crater. As very few animals migrate in and out of the crater with its 2000 ft. high walls, you can expect to see lions, elephants, zebras, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes, many birds and other species. Your Driver/Guide will be in contact with other safari drivers and will amaze you with his skill at locating hidden animals. After a great exploration of Ngorongoro Crater, we will drive to the SERENGETI SERONERA CAMPSITE for dinner & Overnight

Day 13: Explore the Wildlife Haven of Serengeti

Serengeti National Park, in northern Tanzania, is known for its massive annual migration of wildebeest and zebra. Seeking new pastures, the herds move north from their breeding grounds in the grassy southern plains. Many cross the marshy western corridor’s crocodile-infested Grumeti River. Others veer northeast to the Lobo Hills, home to black eagles. Black rhinos inhabit the granite outcrops of the Moru Kopjes
The park covers 14,750 square kilometres (5,700 sq mi) of grassland plains, savanna, riverine forest, and woodlands.
The park is worldwide known for its incredible scenery and magnificent wildlife. Some of the most popular animals among tourists include:
Masai lion, African Leopard, Cheetah, Elephant, Impala, African Buffalo, Wildebeest, Serengeti wildebeest: the park is home to spectacular migration events. Large ungulates from Grant's gazelles to blue wildebeests travel across vast tracts of land as the seasons change. The population of migratory wildebeests is approximately 1.2 million.
Apart from the vast herds of migratory and some resident wildebeest and zebra the park is also densely packed with other plains game including half a million Thomson's and Grant's gazelle over 8,000 Masai giraffe, warthog, topi, common eland, waterbuck, grey duiker, impala, klipspringer, roan antelope, bushbuck, lesser kudu, fringe-eared oryx and coke's hartebeest
Carnivores include about 4,000 spotted hyenas, two species of jackals, an African golden wolf, a honey badger, a striped hyena serval seven species of mongooses, two species of otters and the recently introduced East African wild dog (extinct since 1991). Apart from the safari staples, primates such as yellow and olive baboons vervet monkeys, patas monkeys, and black-and-white colobus are also seen in the gallery forests of the Grumeti River.
Other mammals are including aardvark, aardwolf, bat-eared fox, ground pangolin, crested porcupine, three species of hyraxes, and cape hare.
Serengeti National Park has also great ornithological interest, boasting about 500 bird species, including Masai ostrich, secretarybird, kori bustards, helmeted guineafowls, southern ground hornbill, crowned cranes, marabou storks, yellow-billed stork, lesser flamingo, martial eagles, lovebirds, oxpeckers, and many species of vultures.
Reptiles in Serengeti National Park include Nile crocodile, leopard tortoise, serrated hinged terrapin, rainbow agama, Nile monitor, chameleons, African python, black mamba, black-necked spitting cobra, puff adder- Dinner & Overnight SERONERA CAMPSITE

Day 14: End of Safari

Depart after breakfast, and drive to Mwanza for drop off.


What we'll give. What we won't

What is included in the tour

  • All Transfers and Park Fees
  • Transport in a comfortable 4*4 Safari Landcruiser
  • All Camping and accommodation fees
  • Services of a Professional Safari Guide/Driver
  • AMREF Emergency Evacuation
  • Drinking Water
  • Full board meal plan
  • Extensive Game Drives

What is NOT included in the tour

  • International Flights and Taxes
  • Passports and Visa Applications and Processing
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tips and Gratitudes to drivers and Guides
  • Personal Laundry
  • Alcoholic Drinks
  • Maasai dances and art crafts.
  • Balloon Safaris
  • Any other extra not detailed in the itinerary.